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OAS General Assembly

Chairs: Ana Abuefele and Eva Lardizabal


Topic A: Immigration in Latin America

Every day, many Latin American citizens leave their countries behind in hopes of finding new opportunities in other countries that offer the lifestyles they wish to have. Everyday, countries actively attract immigrants whose abilities and priorities qualify them to work in a country as a foreigner. Meanwhile, because immigrants get some sought-after positions, some of the country’s citizens are left jobless, which can cause internal revolts and a decline in nationalism. Additionally, many Latin American students choose not to pursue the career they wish to study because their countries do not have any available positions for those careers. For Topic A, we will mostly focus on Brain Drain, Brain Gain, and Brain Waste. Not only will we debate these three pull factors of immigration, but delegates will also be expected to debate on the causes and problems that arise from this migration and, of course, possible solutions to the issue. Expect some crises that will keep the committee moving!




Topic B: Creating and Managing an Intelligence Agency in Latin America

Ever since September 18, 1947, the United States monitors and controls the Central Intelligence Agency, also referred to as the CIA. For many years, OAS delegates have debated this issue, but they have never come to a successful conclusion for various reasons. In this committee, delegates should take into consideration the risk of joining Latin America, seeing that many countries have alliances with nations that have differing and uncompromising political and economic stances. Delegates are also expected to debate whether or not an intelligence alliance with every Latin American country would be beneficial to Latin America and their trading partners or not. The chairs will demand that delegates recognize that an intelligence agency will not, and should not, be mistaken to mean a network of spies or hackers. Delegates must be able to debate on the causes, problems and obstacles and potential solutions to this matter. Expect some crises to keep the debate moving!



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