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Meetings of Consultations of Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Chairs: Victor Reyes and Christopher Rivera



After the troubles of the early 1970’s and the following three decades, Latin America has become an unstable continent. During those times, civil unrest, fear of Communism and the expansion of western "democracy" ruled. The continent faced atrocities at a level never before seen. Civil wars, coup d'etats, the decline of civil rights, the rise and fall of dictators, brothers killing each other, secret police and government funded death squads - Unparalleled events.



Fast forward to the year 2015 - present time. Tensions over the past few years have created political instability and divide between the nations. Secessionist movements in Latin America, cartels fighting the governments of nations, an overthrown president in Central America have all created an unstable continent. Once you enter this committee, you will be empowered to debate and solve these issues. You will be part of the Meeting of the Ministers of the Foreign Affairs. Welcome to MOMFA 2015.


 Background Guide


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